taco bell salad
taco bell salad
This song is called ” Sitting ‘Round Thinking of New Ways to Pound You”. One time I was staying at my brothers and he fell asleep at his computer. I looked on the screen and he was in the middle of emailing one of his chicks. It said “Dear Janette, I’m just sitting around thinking of new ways to pound you…” . It inspired this song. Listen to it, won’t you?
Eddie Murphy looks weird on the side of that bus! But Miss Thang Aint paying no mind.
Peach Yogurt - stand up clip
This is a bit I did at Comedy Death Ray about Twitter. Can you tell Weird Al I’m Tweeting?”
If you liked Agee’s version, check the original. “Street Legal” from my first ep.
This is Steve Agee doing “Street Legal” from my first EP “Dragon Boy Suede”. He is my friend. He plays a gay human on the Sarah Silverman Program.
Alternative cast for “The Hangover”? Brody Stevens and the guys. @brodyismefriend @thehangover
I went to see Drag Me To Hell last night at The Grove in Los Angeles. Stevie Wonder was sitting two rows behind us!!!! This is not a joke. He was there. We saw him from close up and heard him talk. He was with an assistant and a hot lady friend. I guess he enjoys hearing the crowds reaction. After the movie they led him out and away from the crowd. My friend remarked that it looked like he was going to try and sneak into another movie! Anyway, whether Stevie is at your screening or not, it’s a fun movie. See it.
stand up kid on phone in front row
I was at a Doo Wop show with my Mom. It was her idea to go. I live tweeted it. Here are the tweets…
I’m at a doo wop show in Lakewood Nj. Anyone have a warplane? I’ll give you my coordinates. Bomb me out of my misery.5:03 PM May 16th from TwitterFon coordinates. Bomb me out of my misery?
Watching three old women sing “The Twist”. Air strike please.5:08 PM May 16th from TwitterFon
A dj from the oldies station is onstage. He’s about to introduce another group. Ive made peace with my god now hit us with all you got!!!5:19 PM May 16th from TwitterFon
These merciless bastards have launched another wave of falsetto. If you have a daisy cutter, for the love of christ, drop it on me now!5:26 PM May 16th from TwitterFon
Mayday! Mayday! Building is NOT crumbling. Roof is NOT caving in! Souls are NOT flying to Hades! What’s going on up there?!!!!5:34 PM May 16th from TwitterFon
They just announced that Jerry Lewis was an usher at this theatre. If that won’t bring Fatman and Little Boy what will??? Damn you all!5:49 PM May 16th from mobile web
You will be decorated as a war hero if I am in a crater before “silence is golden” is over.5:53 PM May 16th from mobile web
I’ll take ground troops at this point. Shoot this iPhone out of my hands and bayonette me in the face!5:55 PM May 16th from mobile web
my carcass will be the only one not clad in Dockers. Frag me you heartless monsters!!!6:00 PM May 16th from mobile web
my mommy just said we could leave. We are evacuating. I will carry these pyschic wounds forever.6:08 PM May 16th from mobile web
I heal with my steel - picture video
Voice cast:Gerald - Mike Judge, Helen - Nancy Carell, Bliss - Linda Cardellini
Ubuntu/President Kent Jensen/Treyvon - Dave Herman
Charlie - Brian Doyle-Murray
What “King of the Hill” did for Texas rednecks, Mike Judge and crew accomplish with Prius-driving tree-huggers in “The Goode Family” — a smart, wryly funny animated comedy that’s going to need a strong word-of-mouth campaign to flourish. The sole qualifier is that the pilot chews through so many juicy storylines, the question of how fast the best plots will be exhausted represents a source of concern; still, assuming liberals can laugh at their own foibles, ABC might just have TV’s first true Obama-era sitcom on its hands.
Judge — the vocal talent/showrunner who has already birthed limited-animation gems “King” and “Beavis and Butt-head” — teams with former “King” colleagues John Altschuler and Dave Krinsky in crafting this half-hour about the Goodes. Gerald (voiced by Judge) and Helen (Nancy Carell) are so committed to their politically correct lifestyle that even the dog, Che, is forced to be a Vegan — though judging by watching him salivate at the sight of small animals that keep turning up missing, the meat-free experiment doesn’t quite appear to be working.
The pair’s teenage daughter Bliss (Linda Cardellini) doesn’t share mom and dad’s zealotry, and their attempt to adopt an African baby misfired when they brought home now-16-year-old Ubuntu (Dave Herman), who happened to be from South Africa and thus, inconveniently, white. When shopping at a big-box store is mentioned, Helen objects. “They don’t even have a mission statement!” she protests.
In virtually every respect, “The Goode Family” provides a tweaked mirror image of “King,” where the nuclear-family humor flows from a general worldview/way of life — there, Hank Hill’s red-state good ol’ boyishness; here, Gerald Goode’s blue-state “save the whales” creed.
Despite seeking to be constantly enlightened, however, the Goodes are equally hapless — unsure of what to call their African-American neighbor, flummoxed by recycled shopping bags, and determined to help each other in navigating ordinary situations consistently exacerbated by the way the couple filters everyday matters through their politics.
Ultimately, there’s no substitute for amusing scenarios like the one with the dog, and clever writing, which “The Goode Family” boasts in abundance. “�’The View’ is on,” Gerald says trying to cheer up Helen, who’s confused about what to tell Bliss regarding abstinence. “The pretty one is saying crazy stuff again.”
Capitalizing upon the show’s sizable comedy footprint might represent another matter. After all, the series premieres post-Memorial Day, without a natural lead-in, following a spring in which ABC comedies were roundly ignored. Moreover, its sensibility appears more obviously suited to Fox, where the program would probably run until Obama is termed out of office.
First things first, though, because with comedy, funny is funny. And at least based on its maiden voyage into TV’s carbon-expending space, “Goode” is flat-out good.
This song is called “Supurfecundation”. It’s about DBS’s dealings with a woman who has twins from two different fathers. Check it out!
Marc Maron interviewed me at SXSW. He’s a great comic. We did a bunch of fun shows down there.
Thanks City of Los Angeles! I always wanted a pink Dirty Dancing banner hanging right outside my kitchen window. Anyone got a flame thrower?
As the sun sets, we prepare for tomorrow’s video shoot. Wolves!
This song is called Nut Valet. I performed it on ABC’s JImmy Kimmel Live. Enjoy!
“You Won’t Sass Me Like That When I Can Summon Wolves” Fan Version. This is the first fan version of one of my songs on youtube! I’m so pysched!! He does me proud.
Have you seen the Anti Semetic seal at the Long Beach Aquarium? I have.